Katrin Moritz

Diplom-Psychologin & Diplom-Pädagogin (FH)

In meiner Arbeit als Beraterin, Trainerin, Mediatorin und Coach begleite ich Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen und ihre Menschen dabei, das Miteinander konstruktiv und kooperativ zu gestalten und prägnante Lernerfahrungen zu machen. Dabei greife ich auf langjährige Fach- und Führungserfahrung in den Bereichen Personal und Personalentwicklung zurück. Ich unterstütze mit passenden Konzepten, Maßnahmen und einem ganzheitlichen systemischen Blick, so dass bewusstes Handeln positive Veränderungen bewirkt.

Schwerpunkte meiner Tätigkeit sind Design, Durchführung und Nachbearbeitung von Führungskräfteentwicklungsprogrammen, Begleitung im Rahmen von Veränderungsprozessen, Konfliktklärung und Mediation sowie Train the Trainer Formate.
In meinen Veranstaltungen selbst sorge ich für eine offene, authentische und humorvolle Atmosphäre als Fundament für gelingendes Lernen. Seminare und Workshops mit mir sind lebendig und interaktiv. Ich moderiere souverän, positiv und mit einem Blick für das Wesentliche. Teilnehmer werden aktiv in die Workshops eingebunden, um so individuelle Stärken zu nutzen und Potentiale entfalten zu können. So findet individuelles Lernen statt und der Transfer in die Praxis gelingt sicher.

2006 brachte Laura Schwan von skill E sense und mich ein glücklicher Zufall für ein Coaching zusammen. Heute verbinden uns vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit, die Liebe zu unserem Beruf und Freundschaft. Für Workshopdesigns, Training und Transfer nutzen wir unser systemisch ganzheitliches Fundament und eine prall gefüllte Methodenschatzkiste. Wir moderieren sehr gern als eingespieltes Tandem mit Prägnanz, Mut, Empathie und guter Laune.


What we offer

Coaching is a very personal process that hones perception, broadens perspective, and strengthens the ability to act. In this, we support you holistically and individually. Sometimes,we need a neutral partner who gives us impulses, supports us, asks the right questions, or opens up new perspectives. As psychologists, coaches, and above all as people and good listeners, we assist you in sorting through topics, making decisions, achieving your own goals and vision – and in increasing your well-being. We are psychologists trained in systems theories, and take asolution and resource-oriented approach to our work. We have no standard agenda when working with you-it is about your needs, your wishes, and your challenges. Together, we work to bring you closer to your goals and create space for your intuition and your potential.

Where and how?

• Just give us a call and make an appointment for a 30-minute free, initial consultation.

• During this time, we will explore your concerns, the goals of the coaching process, mutual expectations, as well as possible approaches. We draw froma diverse array of coaching methods.

• Do you travel frequently for professional reasons and depend on our flexibility? We offer coaching at your location, in our offices in Berlin Mitte, as well as sessions by telephone or Skype.

• We are also flexible with regard to timing. Depending on your needs, we can offer you 15 minute perspective change sessions orin-depth 120 minute sessions. We are also available forevening and weekend appointments. If you (individually or as a group) wish to work on your topics in a focused manner over a longer timeframe, we will facilitate this, for example, duringone of our coaching weekends.

• We also offer in-housecoaching certification programmes for entire organizational units. These last between 6 months and 1.5 years, depending on the requirements and target group.

When does coaching make sense?

• You want to make decisions or gain new perspectives.

• here are changes at home, and you want to deal with them constructively and help shape them.

• You want to communicate more confidently with your colleagues, employees and supervisors.

• You want to improve how you handle conflict situation.

• You want to explore your (new) role in your professional life and want to help shape it more strongly.

• You would like to develop your potential and your values.

• You hope to establish mindfulness in your life.

• You are looking for inner balance and want to deal with your stress constructively.

• You have concrete goals and would like to achieve them.

• You want to advance your team as a supervisor/project manager.

• You would like input or another perspective on a question you have.


“To learn to swim, I must go into the water, otherwise I learn nothing.”(August Bebel)

We do not only want to impart knowledge in our trainings, but also to immediately translate this knowledge into practical skills for our clients’ everyday life. For this reason, we always design our trainings to enable direct experience in real time, professionally (as well as privately). After many years in the training business, we have tried out and further developed various models, concepts and methods in different contexts and countries and looked at what makes the most sense for which target group.

We are always present with our heart and soul! Therefore, we never neglect fun and a sense of humour in our seminars!
So that we can tailor a suitable and individual solution for you, we value a detailed clarification of expectations in advance. The translation of what has been learnt into everyday working life is already addressed in the seminar (e.g. through targeted transfer exercises and learning partners) and also ensured afterwards by need-based support (e.g. through follow-up discussions or coaching).

Challenge us! Of course, we can always put together an individual combination of trainings for your company. Please feel free to ask us about topics that are not listed here.

Team Development

Constructive and goal-oriented interaction

A team can only function and achieve the desired results if its members work well together, know and accept each other’s strengths and areas of development, and assume certain (flexible) team roles. Teams are always faced with new challenges and change processes. Each team has its own dynamics, and we make these visible in our team developments in an appreciative and interactive way, so that the daily challenges can be mastered together, constructively and with trust. Our partnership with you focuses on finding individual, tailor-made solutions that draw from the potential within your team.

Motivation for team coaching / team development can vary among any of the following:

● Leadership and leadership changes in teams.
● Finding solutions to challenges.
● Clarification of roles, responsibilities and tasks of individuals
Fusion of teams.
● Communication among virtual or international teams.
● Conflicts within the team.
● Implementation of new processes.
● Development of new team structures.
● Making cooperation more appreciative and constructive.
● Supporting a team during a change process.
● Preparation for change processes.

Paying attention to detail, we clarify your needs, interview different team members in advance if desired, and then determine which approach is suitable for you and your team. We are happy to accommodate your wishes regarding the setting and timeframe, and have already implemented many creative concepts. We can make the strengths of your team visible on the beach of Barcelona, or focus on your goals while doing archery, or even experience our effectiveness when building something together.